A downloadable game for Windows

This project is develop as apart of Lvl99 game jam 2023.

a collaboration between 


2. Mepuuruu

3. AerronZeroTalent

4. Gabr



You'll start on the beach. head in the water and start swimming towards the pipes. Complete the 3 quick timed event underwater and avoid the shark

swim toward these and Start the Quick time event 


energy level drains to zero oxygen consumption increases  

Game Title :

Take a deep breathe or you drown / Depth Reform /Dive, Breathe and Outlast / Inner Reform/ Hypoxic Blackout/ Thalassa


Breathe If You Dare

High Concept :

As a singular player, the game view will be played from a point of view. You will dive into the sea at the oil rig area to fix a pipe channel problem. The challenge is that you have limited air to breathe as long as you can with a light blink as your stamina and oxygen meter for your oxygen level fixing the pipe but you are not alone.

Game Synopsis :

An oil rig worker, Craig, is doing his job as an engineer diver to fix a pipe channel problem below the sea at the oil rig. He has limited air and must fix the pipe as quickly as he can before he runs out of oxygen. In that sea ratio, there are many sea monsters around. Craig must survive every upcoming threat and maintain the oxygen level.



An oil rig worker, player will become an engineer diver to fix a pipe channel problem below the sea at the oil rig. With limited air and lights, the player must fix the pipe as quickly as he can before runs out of oxygen. In that sea ratio, players never know what danger resides beneath the depth of the sea. Now, players must fix the recurring problem at the pipe to achieve triumph.

USP(Unique Selling Point):

  • Giving the player an experience of being underwater as an oil rig worker that dives in to fix mechanical problems. In this case, pipe problems underwater.
  • Player has to survive underwater with limited oxygen levels.
  • Encounter sea creatures.


  • The game will be played from a point of view. Players can move forward, left, right and backward. Dive down and dive up.
  • The player will have a quick time event (QTE) while fixing the pipe.
  • Players must quickly fix before oxygen and light goes out. 

Player Motivation:

“Hold on to your breath.”

“Engaging QTE Event to Survive the Item”

“Fix the pipe when you are still breathing through the oxygen tank.”

Genre of game:


Game Theme:

Take a deep breath.

Target Platform:

The platform of the game is on PC.


BAHAR1.2.zip 359 MB

Install instructions

Extract to any folder and launch the Bahar.exe file

Development log


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no work game.

thanks for the heads up. Working on it right now 

updated the fix should be working now